Quelle cose sono già pratico nel farle ora vorrei scendere un p'ò più nello specifico imparando i vari comandi, Jump, link, impostazioni di registi ecc... ecc...
Ciao Obi Wan,
l'argomento è abbastanza complesso da affrontare ma sei sei pratico di qualche linguaggio di programmazione ci ritrovi molti concetti.
Se posso darti un consiglio usa Pgc edit per editare le strutture dvd
e non remake che ha una interfaccio meno intuitiva.
Comunque se vuoi ti posso dare una mano .........volevo riprendere quel dvd test ceh ho abbandonato dopo che il forum è stato azzerato.
Una prima versione la trovi sul mio sitarello nella sezione Free Software>>>si chiama appunto Dvd Test beta 1.
Serve per testare alcune impostazioni hardware del dvd da salotto....
se vuoi masterizza la piccola strttura su dvd-rw e prova.
Ti posto il Dump della strttura ceh avevo scritto:
VMG , First-Play PGC
********** pre commands:
[30 06 00 02 00 C0 00 00] 1 (JumpSS) Jump to VMGM PGC 2
********** post commands:
********** cell commands:
VMGM , LU 1 (--):
VMGM , LU 1 (--) , 1 (0:00) 17b. TitleM - Chapters: n/a, Programs: 1, Cells: 1
********** pre commands:
[20 D7 00 00 00 00 04 01] 1 if ( gprm(0) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 1 (1024) }
[20 D7 00 01 00 00 08 01] 2 if ( gprm(1) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 2 (2048) }
[20 D7 00 02 00 00 0C 01] 3 if ( gprm(2) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 3 (3072) }
[20 D7 00 03 00 00 10 01] 4 if ( gprm(3) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 4 (4096) }
[20 D7 00 04 00 00 14 01] 5 if ( gprm(4) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 5 (5120) }
[20 D7 00 05 00 00 18 01] 6 if ( gprm(5) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 6 (6144) }
[20 D7 00 06 00 00 1C 01] 7 if ( gprm(6) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 7 (7168) }
[20 D7 00 07 00 00 20 01] 8 if ( gprm(7) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 8 (8192) }
[20 D7 00 08 00 00 24 01] 9 if ( gprm(8) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 9 (9216) }
[20 D7 00 09 00 00 28 01] 10 if ( gprm(9) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 10 (10240) }
[20 D7 00 0A 00 00 2C 01] 11 if ( gprm(10) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 11 (11264) }
[20 D7 00 0B 00 00 30 01] 12 if ( gprm(11) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 12 (12288) }
[20 D7 00 0C 00 00 34 01] 13 if ( gprm(12) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 13 (13312) }
[20 D7 00 0D 00 00 38 01] 14 if ( gprm(13) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 14 (14336) }
[20 D7 00 0E 00 00 3C 01] 15 if ( gprm(14) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 15 (15360) }
[20 D7 00 0F 00 00 40 01] 16 if ( gprm(15) > 0 ) then { LinkCN Cell 1, button 16 (16384) }
********** post commands:
********** cell commands:
********** menu buttons commands:
VOB ID 3, Cell ID 1 (First NAV pack LBA=84)
1 Group Select button=0, Action button=0
1: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
2: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
3: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
4: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
5: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
6: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
7: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
8: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
9: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
10: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
11: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
12: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
13: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
14: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
15: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
16: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 02] LinkPGCN PGC 2
17: [30 06 00 04 00 c0 00 00] (JumpSS) Jump to VMGM PGC 4
VMGM , LU 1 (--) , 2 (0:00) 1b. - Chapters: n/a, Programs: 1, Cells: 1
********** pre commands:
********** post commands:
********** cell commands:
********** menu buttons commands:
VOB ID 1, Cell ID 1 (First NAV pack LBA=0)
1 Group Select button=0, Action button=0
1: [20 04 00 00 00 00 00 05] LinkPGCN PGC 5
VMGM , LU 1 (--) , 3 (0:00) 1b. - Chapters: n/a, Programs: 1, Cells: 1
********** pre commands:
********** post commands:
[30 06 00 03 00 C0 00 00] 1 (JumpSS) Jump to VMGM PGC 3
********** cell commands:
********** menu buttons commands:
VOB ID 2, Cell ID 1 (First NAV pack LBA=54)
1 Group Select button=0, Action button=0
1: [30 06 00 01 01 83 00 00] (JumpSS) Jump to VTSM 1, Root menu (TTN 1)
VMGM , LU 1 (--) , 4 (0:00) - Chapters: n/a, Programs: 1, Cells: 1
********** pre commands:
[20 01 00 00 00 00 00 0D] 1 LinkTailPGC
********** post commands:
[71 00 00 00 00 00 00 00] 1 Set gprm(0) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 01 00 00 00 00] 2 Set gprm(1) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 02 00 00 00 00] 3 Set gprm(2) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 03 00 00 00 00] 4 Set gprm(3) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 04 00 00 00 00] 5 Set gprm(4) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 05 00 00 00 00] 6 Set gprm(5) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 06 00 00 00 00] 7 Set gprm(6) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 07 00 00 00 00] 8 Set gprm(7) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 08 00 00 00 00] 9 Set gprm(8) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 09 00 00 00 00] 10 Set gprm(9) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 0A 00 00 00 00] 11 Set gprm(10) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 0B 00 00 00 00] 12 Set gprm(11) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 0C 00 00 00 00] 13 Set gprm(12) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 0D 00 00 00 00] 14 Set gprm(13) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 0E 00 00 00 00] 15 Set gprm(14) =(mov) 0
[71 00 00 0F 00 00 00 00] 16 Set gprm(15) =(mov) 0
[30 06 00 02 00 C0 00 00] 17 (JumpSS) Jump to VMGM PGC 2
********** cell commands:
********** menu buttons commands:
VMGM , LU 1 (--) , 5 (0:00) - Chapters: n/a, Programs: 1, Cells: 1
********** pre commands:
[00 D1 00 00 00 00 00 12] 1 if ( gprm(0) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 01 00 00 00 12] 2 if ( gprm(1) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 02 00 00 00 12] 3 if ( gprm(2) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 03 00 00 00 12] 4 if ( gprm(3) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 04 00 00 00 12] 5 if ( gprm(4) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 05 00 00 00 12] 6 if ( gprm(5) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 06 00 00 00 12] 7 if ( gprm(6) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 07 00 00 00 12] 8 if ( gprm(7) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 08 00 00 00 12] 9 if ( gprm(8) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 09 00 00 00 12] 10 if ( gprm(9) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 0A 00 00 00 12] 11 if ( gprm(10) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 0B 00 00 00 12] 12 if ( gprm(11) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 0C 00 00 00 12] 13 if ( gprm(12) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 0D 00 00 00 12] 14 if ( gprm(13) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 0E 00 00 00 12] 15 if ( gprm(14) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 D1 00 0F 00 00 00 12] 16 if ( gprm(15) > 0 ) then { Goto line 18 }
[00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00] 17 Break
[30 06 00 01 00 C0 00 00] 18 (JumpSS) Jump to VMGM PGC 1
********** post commands:
[30 06 00 03 00 C0 00 00] 1 (JumpSS) Jump to VMGM PGC 3
********** cell commands:
********** menu buttons commands:
VTS 1 (VTS_01_0.IFO)
VTSM 1 , LU 1 (--):
VTSM 1 , LU 1 (--) , 1 (dummy) RootM - Chapters: n/a, Programs: 0, Cells: 0
********** pre commands:
[30 03 00 00 00 01 00 00] 1 (JumpVTS_TT) Jump to TTN 1 in this VTS
********** post commands:
********** cell commands:
VTST 1 , 1 TTN 1 (0:03) Title 1 - Chapters: 1, Programs: 6, Cells: 6
********** pre commands:
[61 00 00 00 00 80 00 00] 1 Set gprm(0) =(mov) sprm(0:Preferred menu language)
[00 A1 00 00 69 74 00 09] 2 if ( gprm(0) == 26996 ("it") ) then { Goto line 9 }
[00 A1 00 00 65 6E 00 0A] 3 if ( gprm(0) == 25966 ("en") ) then { Goto line 10 }
[00 A1 00 00 64 65 00 0B] 4 if ( gprm(0) == 25701 ("de") ) then { Goto line 11 }
[00 A1 00 00 65 73 00 0C] 5 if ( gprm(0) == 25971 ("es") ) then { Goto line 12 }
[00 A1 00 00 66 72 00 0D] 6 if ( gprm(0) == 26226 ("fr") ) then { Goto line 13 }
[20 07 00 00 00 00 00 01] 7 LinkCN Cell 1
[00 02 00 00 00 00 00 00] 8 Break
[20 07 00 00 00 00 00 02] 9 LinkCN Cell 2
[20 07 00 00 00 00 00 03] 10 LinkCN Cell 3
[20 07 00 00 00 00 00 04] 11 LinkCN Cell 4
[20 07 00 00 00 00 00 05] 12 LinkCN Cell 5
[20 07 00 00 00 00 00 06] 13 LinkCN Cell 6
********** post commands:
[30 08 00 03 01 C0 00 00] 1 (CallSS) Call the VMGM PGC 3, resume cell 1
********** cell commands:
[20 01 00 00 00 00 00 0D] 1 LinkTailPGC
A presto
In perenne costruzione .....
Dvd musicali ,Video editing ,Guide,Test ect